Jumpy Deer Privacy Policy

In this policy, "us", "we" or "our" means Next Head Studios.

This policy sets out: what is considered personal information; what personal information we collect and hold; how we collect personal information; the purposes for which we collect personal information; how to contact us.

We may, from time to time, review and update this policy, including taking account of new or amended laws, new technology and/or changes to our operations. All personal information held by us will be governed by the most recently updated policy. Your privacy matters to us, so whether you are new to our games or are a long time user, please take the time to get to know our practices.

What is personal information

When used in this policy, the term “personal information” has the meaning given to it in the Act. In general terms, it is any information that can be used to personally identify you. This may include (but is not limited to) your name, age, gender, postcode and contact details (including phone numbers and email addresses). If the information we collect personally identifies you, or you are reasonably identifiable from it, the information will be considered personal information.

What personal information do we collect

We may collect the following types of personal information:


In some cases we may also collect your personal information through the use of cookies. When you access our website, we may send a “cookie” (which is a small summary file containing a unique ID number) to your computer. This enables us to recognise your computer and greet you each time you visit our website, without bothering you with a request to register or log-in. It also helps us keep track of products or services you view, so that we can send you news about those products or services. We also use cookies to measure traffic patterns, to determine which areas of our websites have been visited, and to measure transaction patterns in the aggregate. We use this to research our users’ habits so that we can improve our online products and services. If you do not wish to receive cookies, you can set your browser so that your computer does not accept them. We may also log IP addresses (the electronic addresses of computers connected to the internet) to analyse trends, administer the website, track user movements, and gather broad demographic information.

How we collect personal information

We do NOT store any personal information on our servers, nor do we disclose them. The data we collect stays in the app on the device.
Unless you specifically share something or invite somebody, we will never post anything to your Facebook timeline or interact with your friends.

Why do we collect personal information

The only purpose for which we collect information about you and your friends is so that you can compete against them and compare scores.

What happens if we can’t collect your personal information

The game can be played without a Facebook account, only you won't have access to your friends high scores.

How you can complain about a breach of privacy

If you believe your privacy has been breached by us, have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy please, contact us here: jumpydeer@gmail.com and provide details of the incident so that we can investigate it.

Changes to our privacy policy

We may change this privacy policy from time to time. Any updated versions of this privacy policy will be posted on our website. This privacy policy was last updated in September 2015.